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Illustration depicting security

How to Securely Use Open Source in the Enterprise

Open source software can be secured for enterprise applications, and may in fact be more secure than proprietary software. This is good news for...

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Illustration depicting an error in code

Roll Back or Resolve Forward? How to Deal With Database Errors

When you apply database changes, whether automated as part of a CICD process, or manually in the legacy solution, what do you do when an error occurs? Do you...

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Illustration depicting blockchain

Moving at the Speed of Cryptocurrency with Infrastructure as Code

Blue Sentry works with many of the world’s largest financial institutions.  LukkaTech is one of those customers and provides the world with...

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Automating API Information Storage with AWS - Introduction

APIs serve as the backbone of software development, enabling applications to communicate with one another seamlessly. As organizations grow and their...

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AWS EKS Identity is Not Mapped Error

If you are using AWS IAM Identity Center and grant a role access to an AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) and you are...

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AWS Lake Formation: Part 1 Architectural Deep Dive

This series will investigate how Lake Formation can define your data lake or mesh governance. We will take a comprehensive technical examination of AWS Lake...

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AWS Lake Formation: Part 10 Troubleshooting and Optimization

In the final part of the AWS Lake Formation series, I address common issues and their resolutions and performance optimization tips for large-scale...

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AWS Lake Formation: Part 3 Configuring Complex AWS Glue Workflows

In this series installment on AWS Lake Formation, I'll discuss configuring the complex AWS Glue workflows using Terraform. Specifically, I focus on setting...

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AWS Lake Formation: Part 4 Fine-Grained Access Control with Lake Formation and IAM

This series installment on AWS Lake Formation dives deep into fine-grained access control mechanisms, focusing on how Lake Formation integrates...

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