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Automating the Training Pipeline with Terraform and SageMaker


This article demonstrates how to automate the entire SageMaker training and deployment pipeline using Terraform and the SageMaker SDK. We will cover data uploads, model training, endpoint deployment, and the benefits of automation for scalability and reproducibility.

Combining Terraform and Python SDK for ML Pipelines

By integrating Terraform and the SageMaker SDK, we can achieve a fully automated ML pipeline. Terraform provisions and configures AWS resources, while the SageMaker SDK handles training and inference workflows programmatically.

Key Components of the Pipeline

  1. Terraform:
    • Configures S3 buckets, SageMaker endpoints, and IAM roles.
    • Automates resource creation and updates.
  2. SageMaker SDK:
    • Prepares data.
    • Initiates training jobs and endpoint deployments.

Automating the Pipeline

1. Data Upload to S3

The first step in the pipeline is to upload training and testing data to an S3 bucket provisioned by Terraform.

Code Example:

import boto3

s3 = boto3.client('s3')
bucket_name = 'telco-machinelearning-churn-sagemaker-jhug'

files_to_upload = {
    'train_combined.csv': 'data/train_combined.csv',
    'test_features.csv': 'data/test_features.csv',
    'test_labels.csv': 'data/test_labels.csv'

for local_file, s3_key in files_to_upload.items():
    s3.upload_file(local_file, bucket_name, s3_key)
    print(f"Uploaded {local_file} to s3://{bucket_name}/{s3_key}")

2. Model Training

Training jobs are configured and executed using the SageMaker SDK.

Code Example:{
    'train': TrainingInput(
print("Training job completed successfully.")

3. Endpoint Deployment

After training, the model is deployed to a SageMaker endpoint for real-time inference.

Terraform Snippet for Endpoint Setup:

resource "aws_sagemaker_endpoint" "this" {
    endpoint_config_name =

Code Example:

predictor = xgb.deploy(
print(f"Endpoint deployed: {predictor.endpoint_name}")

Python Script for Invoking Terraform Commands

Automation is extended by invoking Terraform commands programmatically from Python, ensuring a seamless pipeline from resource provisioning to model deployment.

Code Example:

import subprocess

def run_terraform(command):
    result =
        ['terraform'] + command.split(),
    if result.returncode != 0:
        raise Exception("Terraform command failed")

# Initialize and apply Terraform configurations
run_terraform("apply -auto-approve")

Benefits of Automation for Scaling and Reproducibility

  1. Scalability:

    • Automatically scale training jobs and endpoints based on requirements.
    • Quickly adjust configurations for different datasets or models.
  2. Reproducibility:

    • Terraform ensures infrastructure consistency across environments.
    • Automating the pipeline reduces manual errors and ensures repeatable workflows.
  3. Cost Efficiency:

    • Resources are provisioned only when needed and terminated after use.
  4. Flexibility:

    • Easily integrate additional steps, such as data preprocessing or post-processing.

By combining Terraform and the SageMaker SDK, we created an automated, scalable, and reproducible pipeline for training and deploying ML models. Automation streamlines workflows, reduces manual effort, and ensures consistency across environments.

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